Life is a spectrum,
But in a reverse order.
Ending is usually mum,
Though the beginning seems broader.
Red, a vibrant, lovely start,
All is satisfying around us.
Life is assumed as a beautiful art,
Free of innumerable fuss.
Orange, it gets jovial,
Probably, the best phase of life.
Considered to be a testimonial,
Happiness is rife.
Yellow, joy fades away,
Youth taking a front seat.
We need reasons for gay,
Also, goals become great feats.
Green, it settles down,
Everything is subtle.
The fire within calms down,
Relationships don’t shuttle.
Blue, a soothing time,
Life is a melancholy.
Gradually becoming a slower climb,
Decreasing the number of folly.
Indigo, it turns to a darker side,
Life gets older.
It feels the need of a living guide,
To pass through this boulder.
Violet, it is all dark,
Mum is the whole world.
It is the time to bow,
And depart to our dream world.